Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Come Out Victorious on Lab D

So, its that time of the year again. Long nights at the library, term papers are due, and finals are approaching. Here in EDU 255 we did not have a term paper, but we surely had the infamous, individually taught, 20 minute Lab D lesson! In our lessons we have all shown tremendous growth from the very first day we taught. I can remember the very first day of class as if it were yesterday. We were all unorganized, unprepared, and nervous as can be. Who wouldn't be nervous if they were thrown into the fire on the first day? Lab D was our chance to show our professor and peers what we can really do when we become masters of our domain and true leaders of a classroom. I look back at my previous videos, and replay prior lessons I have taught in my head and none of which really showed my potential like it was shown in Lab D. For starters, I originally had been scheduled to teach elements of bowling. A last minute audible for me to teach a swim lesson was made by the commander in chief, Professor Yang. Though I have very little experience in the art of swimming, I did not approach this change of scheduling as a recipe for disaster. I viewed the change of scheduling as an opportunity to step up and put on my "teaching mask"(as Professor Yang would call it), and display a strong lesson. For the first time in my career here at SUNY Cortland, I felt like I was in charge of every aspect in my lesson. I hit almost every key element, as you can hear or see from the video above, or read in my linked transcript . I hit safety statements, scaffolding transitions, pin pointing, to corrective feedback, you name it...I met it. Even my general feedback analysis shows that I was on my "A" game as it shows I had positive outcomes while visually assessing my students. I could have done better in the activity department, by at least reaching the 50% or above mark in total class time activity, as shown in this time coding analysis. I scored respectively based on my time coding form, but I feel it was a strong lesson overall. If you look closely, you can tell that I feel very comfortable, based on my body language and speech. The confidence arose from months of preparation in our regular classes, and the planning I put in to deliver my swift organization. I thank what I call a successful lesson to my fellow classmates, and of course commander in chief, Professor Yang. Thank you, good luck everyone on finals and enjoy your summer!

Much Love,

Efrain Reyes